28 February 2022

Final Reflection

I have to admit in the beginning I wasn't too enthusiastic about the CAS I will have to complete. I was planning on doing sports and playing violin anyway, but the idea of 'having to' to graduate... did not sound appealing to me. 

That is why I was surprised few weeks in, when I found that I actually enjoy it. With the amount of work I have to do in the IB Diploma Programme I realised I would have put off some of non-productive in a strict sense activities, as I simply would not find time for them. But CAS made me make time for them and every week, despite essays I had to write, I took out my violin and played. I would be in a different place, emotionally and physically, if I haven't done that on weekly basis. 

Another thing, which maybe I haven't enjoyed as much, but still greatly is what wouldn't even cross my mind if it weren't for CAS obligations - tutoring younger students. I have started doing this as a result of my voluntary work in Centrum Kultury Wilanów and it came with many challenges. First was that I had to keep organised and in touch with children younger than me, who would not always remember about our meetings. Secondly, I had to find a way to present and share the knowledge I have in an easy and understandable way and, moreover, do so over the internet. Keeping motivated and teaching a younger kid was by no doubt the greatest CAS challenge I had to overcome as it hasn't come near anything else I have done before - learning a sport or music, I am good at that, I've done it. But this was completely different. 

As I was writing the summarizing post I realised how much I learned through various CAS experiences:

I have started two completely new sports (tennis, beginning in PreIB and windsurfing, entirely during the Diploma Programme), played violin, cooked, did various voluntary work... In all these areas I greatly improved since the beginning of IB1 and those skills, whether they are physical or intellectual, will stay with me forever. 

Summarizing post


There are the links to posts about my CAS project:

CAS Blog Anna Mazurek: CAS Project Update (annamazurekcas.blogspot.com)

CAS Blog Anna Mazurek: Amnesty International Meeting (annamazurekcas.blogspot.com)

CAS Blog Anna Mazurek: CAS Project (annamazurekcas.blogspot.com)

CAS Blog Anna Mazurek: CAS Project (annamazurekcas.blogspot.com)


There are the examples and links to how I completed the learning outcomes:

Evidence of identification of strengths and areas for personal growth (LO1).



Evidence of undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process (LO2).

teaching younger students:


Evidence of initiating and planning a CAS experience (LO3).

(posts from different times)

(posts from different times)

Evidence of demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively (LO5).


CAS Project:

Evidence of engagement with issues of global significance (LO6).

Amnesty International:

Evidence of recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions (LO7).

Amnesty International:


24 February 2022

Amnesty International

Yesterday was the last Amnesty International meeting that I will document on my CAS Blog. It started off with a presentation about protests that are and have been taking place in Canada lately. It was supposed to be the main topic of the meeting but we quickly drifted to what is now on all of our minds - War in Ukraine. 

The meeting took place yesterday and some shared their opinion that there definitely wouldn't be a war, that Putin has no interest in such and would not achieve anything this way. The majority of us, however, feared the consequences of an escalating conflict.

Looking at it from today's perspective, when the first thing I heard after waking up is that the Russian army has attacked Ukraine, it's a completely different discussion. I have started to think about ways that I can help, and I know so have many of my friends. We're with you Ukraine!!

22 February 2022


Today my teacher proposed we train at playing double sounds. The trick is to play on two strings at once, which is ironic as at the beginning of learning violin you learn exactly how not to do that. 

This time however the point was to play always on some combination of two strings. 

I was surprised to find that it's hard to keep the sound steady when playing like that and that my bow would tremble making it even harder. 

We spend a whole lesson doing the double sounds, but I am still not satisfied so I will continue practicing this precise tune. 

21 February 2022


Today at Tennis it was just me and my mom. That hasn't happened in a long, long time. Because of that, I had a lot of individual practice - the same amount of time divided into fewer people resulted in a very intense training. 

Instead of making a few practice rounds and then playing a series of matches, we spend almost 40min doing individual exercises - 8 balls for my mom, 8 for me. This was tiring but also rewarding. I practiced both front- and backhand hits, this took me a lot of patients to repeat the same thing all over again, but I saw the progress afterward. 

Then I played two matches with my mom, and after that, we run out of time. I believe that I learned a lot - both today and throughout my entire tennis adventure. 

16 February 2022

Amnesty International

 Today was the first Amnesty International meeting after the winter break. During this one, we discussed the controversy brought by a comic book by Art Spiegelman. The book was banned in some schools in the United States, because of its portrayal of the Holocaust. 

It was drawn and written by a Jewish artist, so the authenticity wasn't the problem, it was that some parents were concerned that there is too much violence for their kids to witness. 

This led us to a discussion about history, education, and censorship. Were they justified to do such a thing? I, myself, have not read the book, so cannot speak on this particular issue, but I believe we need to educate ourselves about the greatest tragedies in human history despite their drastic nature, the Holocaust included.

10 February 2022


 At today's violin lesson I played another classical piece, which was a relief after working on jazz music. It is one of the most beautiful tunes I have ever played, but also comes with its challenges.

The main challenge in this one is that it has a large range of notes, from very low to extremely high. The low notes are not the problem, but to get to the highest points I need to reach 5th position, which I haven't done before. It takes me a lot of thought to get those bits right, but the satisfaction I get when I do is definitely worth it!

02 February 2022


 I have tried windsurfing 10 months ago, on Canar Islands, now I used the trip to Malta to revisit that hobby and improve my abilities. 

I spend 3 mornings on the sea practicing. I was the only windsurfer there, unless you count my trainer. It was great fun. 

I further trained in what I learned last year - both turns, and was taught how to do something entirely new - a beach start. This was extremely hard and took me forever to get it right the first time. After I also had to struggle to make the start, but once I did succeed, I felt amazing.