08 April 2021

Violin Lesson

 Today I started working on another Sea Shanty, one entitled Leave Her, Johnny, Leave Her. It is about a sailor who does not want to say goodbye to his ship, so it is pretty sad. Still, as most Shanty it is really nice to play on violin. 

The challenge I had to face in that piece was that at some moments I had to play two notes at the same time. How it is done? One has to put their bow on two strings at the same time so that they can both be heard. 

It does not sound complicated but when you add the fingers to play another notes, which you have to switch really fast it gets hard and confusing. 

Fortunately that is why I have a teacher, so she can help me in moments like these, as she did. 

I believe the song is very pleasant to hear now, although it wasn't at the beginning. 

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