02 May 2021

Violin Lesson

 This week I had played violin for many hours and finished it up with an in-person lesson with my teacher. As we did before we used this time to play things I am already good at, focus on something else and play duets. 

The three main pieces we played were Colours of the Wind I started to learn last week, Memory from Cats the Musical, which although short is beautiful. And, finally, Pirates of the Caribbean - the piece which we started in Autumn. 

I haven't played the latter for many weeks and so I was surprised at how well I played it on the first try. After that we played it in duet and it was amazing.

I really like playing together with my teacher, both because it sounds so beautiful and because it gives much more space for improving. It helps with mastering every part of violin playing: maintaining the rhythm, right tones and teaches to listen to someone expect yourself
 while still focusing on your line. 

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