08 January 2021

Violin Lesson

Thanks to the fact that I don't have online school right now (because of the winter break) I was able to see my teacher in person.

It was a really valuable experience as all of our lesson, except for the first one, have taken place online due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

In person my teacher was able to give me more constructive comments and corrections. However, the best part of this experience was that we reviewed all the songs we've been working on so far and played them IN A DUET!!

This was truly amazing. This kind of work allows one to focus on different aspects of playing as the music must not only sound well (as always) but also has to be coordinated with the other musician. 

The most problems I had with Pirates of the Caribbean as  it is really fast and a long time passed since I properly played it last time. It was still so much fun and one of the best experiences of winter break ruled by lockdown.

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