31 January 2021


 While visiting my friend I've been going on regular walks with her dog. Of course, some of them were rather short, but still they're taking me around an hour a day. 

This week it was snowing so we had a run through the snow, it was really nice, although quite cold. 

27 January 2021

Amnesty International Meeting

 At week's Amnesty International Meeting we summed up the 1st semester and further discussed the topic of total abortion ban in Poland.

 This topic is still on top, as the protests are ongoing, and additionally the Constitutional Tribunal finally published the justification for what it said in October, and the ban was published in Polish Dziennik Ustaw.

21 January 2021

Violin Lesson

Today's violin lesson took place online as all previous lessons did. After the experience from two weeks ago, I really felt how in-person meetings are indeed better and more valuable than those via zoom, but it was still a productive time.

We started by practicing a C major scale, followed by further practise of Canon in D minor, to, at the end reach a new musical piece. Quite well known and great fun - The Entertainer by S. Joplin. 

It was a challenging piece (at the very beginning, the part that we went through) as it starts off very high, I had to go to 4th position on E string. It is so high I hardly ever used it before, if ever. I still need to practise this A LOT to produce muscle memory for that high notes.

18 January 2021

Going on walks

 Due to the lockdown in Poland I cannot attend tennis trainings right now, so I decided to start going on walks. I live in a forest so there's lots of nice paths I can go on. 

I am planning to get back to tennis as soon as possible, so I will not undertake more organised activities, the weather now is very nice, and it even snows sometimes so it is so walks are not only an activity but also a pleasure. 

08 January 2021

Violin Lesson

Thanks to the fact that I don't have online school right now (because of the winter break) I was able to see my teacher in person.

It was a really valuable experience as all of our lesson, except for the first one, have taken place online due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

In person my teacher was able to give me more constructive comments and corrections. However, the best part of this experience was that we reviewed all the songs we've been working on so far and played them IN A DUET!!

This was truly amazing. This kind of work allows one to focus on different aspects of playing as the music must not only sound well (as always) but also has to be coordinated with the other musician. 

The most problems I had with Pirates of the Caribbean as  it is really fast and a long time passed since I properly played it last time. It was still so much fun and one of the best experiences of winter break ruled by lockdown.

02 January 2021

Diving trip!!!!

 Last week me, my sister and my dad visited DeepSpot. DeepSpot is a newly opened indoor pool, BUT it is not a usual pool. It is the deepest pool in the world right now - over 45 meters deep!!! This is a spot for divers to dive in, and that is exactly what we did.

This trip was very exciting and an amazing experience. My last dive happened few months ago, during summer holidays in Italy, so I had quite a break from diving. Still, this experience was like nothing else.

The main differences to what happens in natural waters was that 

1) the visibility was much greater - you could see everything up to the end of the pool which doesn't happen in natural places

2) the water was warm, and not red-sea warm, but between 32 and 34 degrees - we could dive JUST in bathing suits. 

It was just the most amazing thing ever! We spend around an hour time underwater and I didn't even feel the time.

the picture was taken by me before entering the pool, so I am not one of the divers there