27 January 2022



Today I learned a new piece entitled 'Summertime' by George Gershwin. It is set in E minor and is made mostly of higher notes. It is a jazz piece, so it has a tricky rhythm. It took me a while to get the rhythm jazz-sounding as jazz has little rulers and trying to transfer it into classical music sheets takes something away from it making playing it correctly an even harder job. 

I enjoyed this jazz experience and will for sure come back to it, but after I play a bit of classic tunes as well. 

19 January 2022

Amnesty International

 Today at the meeting we discussed an Israeli spyware system called Pegasus. It was originally designed to track criminals, used by police, investigators and so on. However, it has been used beyond that. 

There are reports that it has been used to spy on journalists, politicians or scientists. The investigation by Amnesty International made this case and this app laud, causing us to discuss and educated ourselves as well as many others around the world. 

This is a threat to our freedom and privacy and cannot be allowed. 

17 January 2022


 Today at the tennis lesson I practiced a lot of serves so that I can play double matches. My trainer says that in a real game they are responsible for most of the points. I am still bad at them, although I am getting good. 

At the practice rounds, I did not do so well, but later, in the game, I managed to get more than half of them right, resulting in our winning of the set. 

I am happy to be back on the court.

13 January 2022


 Today's violin lesson wasn't much different from all the other classes. I played a few scales, starting with g minor followed by a minor, and afterward practiced pieces I have already played before. 

It was a usual lesson as I was too tired to dive deeply into anything new. I used it to relax and fly into the world of music and creative thinking, instead of worrying and stress.

05 January 2022

Amnesty International

 Today at the Amnesty International meeting we discussed a law that was talked about in the Polish government last summer, but after protests have been put down. Until the 17th of December 2021, when it has returned to Sejm.

The law is commonly called a "Ustawa Lex TVN" and is a threat to the freedom of Polish media. It would basically force the present owner of TVN tv to sell the brand to somebody else, who would be easier to control by the government. 

The main polish media are already highly biased. This law would even further damage the freedom of information.

04 January 2022


 Last week my family and I have gone skiing in Italy. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to skip our yearly trip last year, but now the situation in Italy was calm enough for us to be able to go.

My parents were skiing and me and my sister have been snowboarding. I started to learn it a few years ago, last season just beginning to learn the turns. In addition to a 2 year-long break, I was really worried about my abilities this season. 

I was happy to find out that I still knew how to move on my board and have time doing it, however, the turns were an unbelievable challenge. I don't think I succeeded in making a single one during the first day. I was sad about that, but still excited for a week of winter holiday and just being in the high, white mountains. 

On the second and third days, I had booked lessons. We started slow, with how to fall safely, how to go with my back to the slope and so on. Then we got to turns. 

It was hard work on my part this entire week, but I enjoyed every bit of it. I had to plan the week beforehand: time with family, lunch breaks, lessons. I was proud of myself for not getting discouraged despite many falls, and even prouder when on the last day the turns weren't a problem for me. At all!

At the end of each day I would be extremely tired, but the feeling was rewarding and great. If I could stay here for another week, I would.