30 June 2021


 This week was my last tennis training before I take a break for the holidays. The hour passed extraordinarily fast and I could not believe it's been sixty minutes. 

I think there is visible progress in my game if one was to compare it to last September. I think I've learned a lot this year and believe that besides strictly physical abilities tennis has taught me patience and teamwork. It also helped me deal with defeat, as I often lost our training matches. It has also taught me regularity - some Monday evenings it was really hard to get myself to go out again, but I always did and I believe that to be good for me. 

I am looking forward to starting training again in September. 

26 June 2021

Violin Lesson

 This week I attended another one of my violin lessons. This time we focused mostly on the move of my right hand - the one which holds the bow and did not start any new songs.

I think this kind of work is really important as it improves the quality of sound produced, but it is also so different than just perfecting tunes. 

It was a very productive lesson and I am definitely going to practise the knowledge I gained during the holidays.

14 June 2021


 Today I have again attended a tennis lesson. This week I focused mainly on serves as this is one of the most important parts of the real game (it is impossible to win not knowing how to serve).

However, this move is really tricky for me as I do not only have to coordinate the movement of the rocket but first throw the ball as well. I hardly ever succeed in this part of the serve.

This has thought me patience as it can be very frustrating having to repeat one thing over and over again. But I hope that soon enough I'll be great at this part of tennis as well. 

06 June 2021



Learning Outcomes


Playing Violin


Centrum Kultury WIlanów

Amnesty Inter-


identify own strengths and areas for growth

demonstrate that the new challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 

show commitment to and perseverance in CAS activities 

demonstrate engagement with issues of global importance 

recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions 

05 June 2021

Violin Lesson

Today I started my violin lesson by playing the c minor scale in 3rd position. I am happy to say that it is getting easier for me to play minor scales without having to focus this much on the signs they have - it starts to come naturally.

Next I came back to a Dashilla's Sea Shanty, a piece I have not played in a long time but it's in this scale, so my teacher thought it would be a good time to remind it. 

The first time I played it today I was not satisfied with it at all, but the second way around it sounded really great. I just needed that first one to remember it correctly. 

Then, I spend nearly half a lesson mastering the piece described in my previous post. It is extremely hard, I think the hardest I have played this year, but I would say it is going pretty well. 

I am happy with the progress I am making especially that the very act of making music brings me so much joy.