28 April 2021

Lessons with Primary School Students

Today we faced a new kind of exercises. They were based on time. I noticed that Filip has a problem with remembering that one hour equals sixty minutes while turning them into a decimal fraction. 
I brought it to his attention, as he made this mistake numerous times. 

This taught me that beside teaching and explaining how to do something I also have to carefully watch what my student is doing so I can show them their mistakes and propose how to solve their problems. 


22 April 2021

Violin Lesson

 Today I started to work on the song from Pocahontas, a Disney movie from 1995. It is one of the most popular Disney songs and it's entitled Colours of the Wind. My teacher said she loves when her students play it, as it is one of her favourite songs, so I'm excited to play it. 

Firstly we made few alterations to the sheets we found to make it sound identical as the original version. Then I started to play.

It was an amazing experience, although parts of it are challenging. I love that I get to play a note in a special way in this song. In Polish it's called "flażolet" I don't know the word in English for it. 

I will surely practise this song a lot as I cant wait to master it!

19 April 2021


 For the past two weeks I have been continuing to walk around the forests. It has been wonderful to see how the spring is coming to Poland and that the animals are waking up. 

Unfortunately I did not get to see any more exciting animals than birds but those have been giving wonderful performances. 

The courts will also reopen soon, so I will be getting back to that. 

14 April 2021

Lessons with Primary School Students

Today I spend my lesson with Filip trying out something new. I asked him to answer the questions as fast as possible. It was a closed test, so there were situations where a critical look at the proposed answer would be enough. 

As he has the limited amount of time on his final exam I thought it would be a good way for him to practise answering faster than he usually does. 

It was hard for him, so I showed him how some of the answers can be eliminated at the first look. After that I let him do it himself. 

I'll see at the next lesson whether he will actually decide that this is a helpful way for him, or he prefers to do it the same way as before. 

08 April 2021

Violin Lesson

 Today I started working on another Sea Shanty, one entitled Leave Her, Johnny, Leave Her. It is about a sailor who does not want to say goodbye to his ship, so it is pretty sad. Still, as most Shanty it is really nice to play on violin. 

The challenge I had to face in that piece was that at some moments I had to play two notes at the same time. How it is done? One has to put their bow on two strings at the same time so that they can both be heard. 

It does not sound complicated but when you add the fingers to play another notes, which you have to switch really fast it gets hard and confusing. 

Fortunately that is why I have a teacher, so she can help me in moments like these, as she did. 

I believe the song is very pleasant to hear now, although it wasn't at the beginning. 

06 April 2021


 Because the courts are closed and I am unable to do my usual Activity activity I have been going on walks. 

I do not like it at all as I find it extremally boring, but at the same time it is pretty cool, especially that I live right next to the forest, so I can go over there. I did not even bring my phone with me so I could absorb all of the magic of the forest.

The sounds of the woods haven't completely begun yet but I hope that will happen soon. I hope even more that they will reopen tennis courts, so I can get back to this.