29 October 2020

Amnesty International

 Today, due to the current situation in Poland, where thousends of people went out on the streets to protest the last week's decision of Polish Constitiutonal Tribunal, instead of having a regular meeting, we were told to attend a webinar by Amnesty International Polska dedicated to the issue of abortion.

The main goal of webinar was reminding why the abortion is one of basic human rights. It took aproximately 90min, during which Karolina Więckiewicz and Sandra Grzelaszyk anwsered questions asked by Mikołaj Czerwiński. The webinar helped me to achieve deeper understanding of the problem currently accuring in Poland. 

Violin Lesson

 This week at my violin lesson I began to learn something I've wanted to know how to play for a really long time - theme from Pirates of the Carribean. 

Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus pandemic I was unable to have a face-to-face lesson, instead I had it via zoom. This way was surprisingly efficient, and as it is not the same as meeting in real-life it is much better than I thought it would be. 

This lesson started by reminding me of the d minor scale, in which Pirates of Carribean are written. We spent on it almost two thirds of our lesson, which is much more than I have ever spent on one scale. Nonetheless, I can already very clearly see the progress I'm making thanks to these lessons.

21 October 2020

Service - Amnesty International

Due to the pandemic situation new restrictions have been imposed in Poland to minimise the spread of Covid-19, which include closing secondary schools and more rules regarding social and cultural events. These result in calling off most of the events by CKW I was suppose to participate in, so I decided to rejoin Amnesty International in my school. 

Today's meeting was dedicated to a discussion about polish right wing party's idea to banish abortion completely, even in the cases of severe and irreversible foetal defect or incurable illness that threatens the foetus’ life. After this in Poland there will be no access to legal abortion AT ALL. Tomorrow, 22nd of October 2020 the Connstitutional Tribunal will almost definietely approve the novelisation, which will have disasterous consequence for all women living in Poland.


 Today I shared my tennis lesson with three other people, one of which was my mom (as always) and two others are beginners like us. Due to this, after usual warm-up and many exercises to practise the hit, we played a match two agianst two.

It was an entirely new experience for me as I have only played alone matches and only with my sister or mom. The game was really intense and we lost, but I think this experince really helped me improve some of my teamwork skills in tennis - as they haven't had a chance to use them before.

15 October 2020

Violin Lesson

 Today I attened my first official violin lesson, after few weeks of practising at home. 

At the beginning of the lesson I have preformed few basic exercises, so my teacher could see the level I'm at, which allowed her to adjust the plan of our lesson to my abilities. This way I will be able to learn most during the lessons. 

Later I was learning to play a part of new piece - a Canon in D major by Johann Pachelbel. 

I'm really looking forward to our next meeting, as I can see the lessons will greatly help me improve my abilities. 

07 October 2020


 Today, along with my mom, I atteneded my first tennis lesson this school year. I have started to  play tennis just last year, during lockdown, so I still have a great area fro growth in that discipline. 

This lesson was mostly spent on reminding me about basic moves and rules of tennis after my long summer break. At the end we played a match (me and my mom) in which she beat me 10 to 2, which really motivates me ro improve my tennis skills in the following weeks. 

06 October 2020

Service in Centrum Kultury Wilanów

Today I attended a meeting with Marcin Kielak - the coordinator of volunteers in Centrum Kultury Wilanów. I, along with few of my friends, decided on doing our service there as an alternative to being a volunteer in a museum, which we are unable to do because of the Covid-19 pandemic. At Centrum Kultury Wilanów we still are able to have contact with art, although not to the extend we would have in Art Museums. 

During the meeting Mr. Marcin told us about being the volunteer at the center. Our role would be to help with various events organised by Centrum Kultury, for example preparing the room for a theatrical preformance and checking the tickets.

The meetin
g lasted almost an hour. At the end we signed the documents making us the official volunteers of Centrum Kultury Wilanów, we also signed on for our first event.

I am really looking forward towards being a volunteer there, as I think it gives me much room for personal development. In the picture there is CKW's plan for the October, other months will probably be as busy as this one is. I only hope Coronavirus pandemic won't develop further and there will be no need for closing bigger events, so I will be able to do my Service at CKW.

02 October 2020


As my trainer couldn't be there for our lesson, my and my mom went to the court alone to practise what we have already learnt. 

Surprisingly, I found it hard to apply my new-learnt skills into the game without first practising with the coach. It was a weird realisation for me, as I never experinced any problems like that during regular lessons. I spent an hour trying to perfect the move of my hand, with poor results. 

Thanks to this, I know what to focus more on during my next meeting with my trainer.

01 October 2020


As a Creativity part of my CAS experience I decided to keep improving my violin playing skills. Years ago I have graduated Music School in class of violin, but since then I didn't get a chance to further improve my abilities. Until last semester when I got my own violin and during lockdown I tried regaining my old proficiency on my own. 

This year I will attend weekly lessons to regulary gain new skills and learn new musical pieces.