27 October 2021

Amnesty International

 Tonight we discussed what is presently happening in Sudan. 

After the military takeover, people have been protesting, and force has been used against them. Harming the protesting citizens is a clear violation of human rights and cannot go unnoticed. 

Moreover, many government leaders are unlawfully being held captive as a result of the takeover. 

The military has also limited the access to the internet and imposed a state of national emergency, which limits the freedom of citizens

25 October 2021


The whole training today was spent on the individual, and then double matches. 

Firstly I played with Agnieszka (one of the people who is joining me and my mom every week), and I managed to beat her, although just one point and things would have ended differently. I was really proud of my victory, as it is her who usually wins, and here I was able to see how, if I am well-rested and determined enough my skills are just enough to match hers. 

Then I played with Marcin (another training buddy) and unfortunately lost, although nothing could bring my spirits down after the first victory. 

Lastly, the match with my mom, which I won as well as opposed to last week when she won instead. To finish the training we played one double match, me and my mom versus Agnieszka and Marcin. I am happy to say it ended in a draw, though we finished before I got a chance to serve (probably why it was a draw, as my serving skills are not as good as I would like them to be yet).

21 October 2021


 During this lesson, we decided to revisit a piece I learned a long time ago - Canon in D major. 

As it is a cannon, it is a great opportunity to play together, instead of just solo. Playing in this way is entirely different than just playing alone - you need to better hear tunes, keep the rhythm and you cannot stop, as the other person will not. 

It is a great practice to anything really, and also loads of fun, as the sound of two violins is twice as beautiful as that of one. 

11 October 2021


Today's Tennis wasn't much different from all previous trainings I've described. I will focus on other things from today then.

It was really hard for me to get myself to leave and play as next to being extremely tired and just wanting to sleep, I have deadlines pining on me. However, I still went to play, as it is one of my responsibilities, I made a promise to myself and to my mom that I would be going with her weekly, so I am doing that, no matter how tired I am. 

Although I did go and tried to do my best at the training, I saw that I was not being my best tonight, probably due to the overload of work and a limited amount of sleep.

Hopefully, next week will be better!

07 October 2021


 Today I attended my violin lesson, thankfully in person. 

This way of having it is better in a way that online learning just does not allow. Thanks to seeing me, and being able to better show me as well as move my hands, my teacher is capable of correcting my posture, more efficiently and with my better understanding of what I should be doing than when we are separated by computer screens.

I really value this kind of experience, as it allows me to better improve myself, which is what I am aiming for afterall.

06 October 2021

Amnesty International

The topic of today's meeting was Old Public Institutions in New Afghanistan, and why and to whom they are harmful. 

We have been discussing it and the human rights violations it results in.